Monday, June 18, 2007

My father's son

I think that there is a moment in each of our lives when we realize that we are in fact our father’s son or mother’s daughter. It is a shock because most of us go through life fighting our hereditary, fighting against reason, biology or most frustratingly fate to prove our basic individuality. But the truth is there for those who wish to examine. Little tells hidden in doodle writing, photographs caught in a certain light or just the way we like our coffee.

It happened to me when I caught myself staring at a still moment in time, slightly withered yet fresh with emotion; a photograph of my young father. The stance, the swagger, the paunch, the gorgeous blowing hair, the faintly askance smile (ok I exaggerate but you get what I am saying right?). if it weren’t for out-of-style pencil thin moustache it was me, in a foreign land amongst strangers looking back at me.

(As an aside I admit that the photograph resembles Amol Palekar more strongly than me.)

So is it then that the physical similarities wound deeper to personality flaws. I do get my quick temper from him but I have learnt to control, stem and divert it towards more fruitful malice and Machiavellian paybacks.

But the weight of being a father’s son does lie deeply. Would I make the same mistakes, would my life follow the same footsteps. Will we gravitate in ever widening circles, but still going round and around, the invisible epicenter of our fore fathers. Was our lives decided by the first of our kind?

Will I be my father’s son.


Sweet Nothings said...

welcome back! Well why cant you be your motehrs son or I my father's daughter? :) That apart, since I know you so well.. NO you dont look like either Amol Palekar or as handsome a syou describe you r father to be :P but yes..there is a little bit of those who raise us inculcated in us, and no matter who you become or what you do, it is this little somethin which will always bind you to your roots..

C Merry said...

I hope I am netiher but I would have liked to be. Some people are just bad, parents or otherwise.
Thank you so much for your wonderful comment.

Haribansa said...

Hi I am also in koregaon n quite loney these days..Wht exactly do u do here...wht ever u hv written i squte interesting...It will be nice if we can meet...